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Harnessing Earth's Energy: 10 Essential Crystals for Grounding

Writer's picture: Noelle TschuppNoelle Tschupp

In today's fast-paced and technologically driven society, we are constantly bombarded with stimuli and distractions and our modern lives are moving at a frantic pace. So it's no wonder that many of us feel untethered like a boat without an anchor. We are experiencing heightened levels of stress and anxiety and often feel overwhelmed and disconnected from the present moment, from ourselves, our physical bodies and the world around us. Many of us seek solace and balance, yearning to reconnect with the Earth's grounding energy. Without grounding practices, we are deprived of a deep connection with our inner selves and the natural rhythms of the Earth, further fueling feelings of imbalance and disorientation in our lives.

Crystals for grounding body, mind, and spirit

Grounding is a practice that involves connecting with the Earth's energy to bring us back a state of stability, balance and presence. It helps us anchor ourselves in the present moment, fostering a sense of inner calm and clarity amidst life's challenges and distractions. Grounding techniques often involve physical activities, mindfulness practices or, as we will discuss here, using crystals to reestablish a harmonious connection with ourselves, the world around us and with the Earth.

Crystals are nature's gift to humanity for their ability to anchor us to the present moment and support a deeper sense of stability and inner peace in our daily lives. They are conduits of energy and allies in our healing as their inherent vibrations help us to re-connect to our physical bodies and grow our energetic roots down into Mother Earth and align ourselves with the electromagnetic field of the planet. In this article I am sharing 10 fantastic crystals for grounding and anchoring mind, body and soul that you can work with in your daily life.

How To Work With Crystals & Your Chakras for Grounding

In our chakra system, the root chakra, or Muladhara in Sanskrit, acts as our primal center governing our basic survival instincts, security, safety and grounding in the physical plane as well as our physical needs and energy. This chakra forms our foundation upon which all the other chakras in the body securely rest upon and connects us to Mother Earth. It supports courage, strength, determination, will, sexual energy, vitality and prosperity.

the chakra system

When our root chakra becomes unbalanced we can feel spacey, ungrounded, disoriented, unsettled and disconnected from our physical body and the Earth. We can have poor boundaries and often feel anxious, fearful and fatigued. We lack self-confidence and are fearful and resistant of change. These are clues your body and spirit are telling you that your root chakra needs healing, balancing and TLC to help us regain our solid foundation and groundedness within ourselves and the Earth.

Crystals are absolutely wonderful healing allies for our chakra system by clearing, cleansing, balancing and aligning our energy centers. They help us releasing any stuck or negative energy that no longer serves us and we do not need to carry within our chakras, physical body or energy body any longer.

To help yourself ground and experience how crystals can heal, balance and shift energy within us, select one of the stones I have listed below and place it at the location of your root chakra ~ on top of the pubic bone. You can also try placing it between your legs or between or below your feet as well. Once you place your crystal, lay down and begin to breathe deeply and allow the crystal's healing energy to balance the chakra or body area for several minutes.

How to work with crystals and the chakras for grounding

During this time, continue to take deep belly breaths and just notice what you notice. Be curious of any and all sensations you experience. Do you feel any emotions shifting? Do you feel your body relax in certain areas? Do you notice a heaviness or lightness anywhere? Whatever you perceive is perfect! This experience is unique to you and you may notice a different experience with the same crystal a different day or with a different crystal. Notice any changes you feel either physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. Allow yourself to surrender and play with this exercise.

I invite you repeat this exercise everyday for three days and notice what shifts you experience. You can explore using a different crystal each day or you can work with the same one and really bond with it and tune into its unique energetic signature. You can come back and do this exercise any time that you feel stressed, anxious or spacey to help you deeply re-connect with the Earth and your beautiful physical body. To experience the crystal energy on the go, you can also choose one or several crystals that resonate with you and carry them in your pocket or wear as jewelry for protection and grounding during your day as well!

Cleansing Your Crystals

Crystals have the ability to absorb, store and transmit energy, including absorbing energies from you, other people and their surroundings. For the crystals I have listed below, it is extra important to thoroughly cleanse them as they are powerful cleansers of negative energy! So for this reason, it is vital to regularly cleanse these crystals especially before and after working with them so that they can continue to clearly and effectively radiate their healing properties as you work with them.

When using any of the following cleansing methods, hold a clear intention to cleanse the crystal and visualize a container of white light that will transform any energy that is released back into positive light energy:

Crystal cleansing
  • Moonlight: Place your crystals outdoors or on a windowsill overnight in the moonlight, especially during the light of a new or full moon!

  • Sound: Clear your crystal of unwanted or negative energies by using a Tibetan bowl, tingshas, tuning forks, drum, gong, chime or even your voice over the stone to emit the cleansing sound vibrations into the crystal.

  • Smudging: Run your crystals through the smoke of Sage, Sweetgrass, Palo Santo, or Cedar or incense such as Frankincense, Sandalwood, Lavender or Jasmine for 2 -3 minutes or until you intuitively feel it has been cleansed. A common indication that a stone has been cleansed is when the smoke moves to one side of the stone more than the other.

  • Light Visualization: Hold the crystal in your hands, breathe deeply, center yourself and visualize a beam of universal white light coming down and infusing your stone, releasing any and all unwanted or negative energy and transmuting it back into positive white light.

Here are 10 crystals that can help to ground and anchor your mind, body and soul for centering and balance:

Red Jasper: The energy of this stone works gradually over time to increase the chi or life force energy in the physical body and within our energetic field. It helps to release negative emotional states, stress, worries and anxieties and acts as a protective stone by strengthening our energetic boundaries. This stone supports fresh starts and new beginnings and helps our physical bodies recover and regain strength after illness. When we work with Red Jasper, our aura is cleansed, our root chakra is strengthened and stimulated and we can deepen our connection with the Earth. It emanates a stable vibration that helps our own energies return to a place of equilibrium and stabilization which in turn balances our emotional state, stabilizes our aura and promotes overall health and well-being. This is one of my favorite grounding stones! Holding it immediately connects me with the beautiful grounding red rocks of Moab, Utah.

Hematite: One of the most powerful stones for grounding and anchoring you in your physical body and in the physical world by drawing your energy down through your meridian system and into your root chakra to create safety and grounding. It promotes willpower, confidence and self-esteem and brings us courage during difficult times. This stone balances the meridian system which in turn balances and harmonizes the nervous system on both a physical and ethereal level. I love placing one of these crystals on each knee to open and balance the minor knee chakras (yes we have chakras in our knees!) to further help us to ground into our body and into the Earth.

Smoky Quartz: Helps even the spaciest people connect with their "land legs" to embrace and feel grounded in their physical being. This is one of the best stones for grounding and anchoring while raising vibrations during meditation. It is excellent for absorbing and transmuting almost unlimited amounts of negativity as well as releasing stress and blocking geopathic stress. Smoky Quartz helps alleviate fear, depression, anger, despair, grief, nightmares & suicidal tendencies. This crystal teaches you to leave behind anything that no longer serves you. Try placing a single terminated (the crystal has one pointy end) Smoky Quartz between your legs pointing down to experience grounding and a wave of calm washing over you.

Jet: Helps us feel safe and comforted and releases worry, fear and over-analyzing when placed below the body. It balances the yin and yang energies and is a powerful neutralizer of negative energies. Did you know Jet is actually formed from fossilized wood?! That is why the energy of this crystal is like sitting underneath an ancient protective tree helping you feel connected and held by Mother Earth.

Black Tourmaline: Strengthens our connection to the Earth while grounding, stabilizing, anchoring and cleansing our energy field. It promotes emotional stability, physical vitality and brings our awareness to the present moment. Black Tourmaline helps us release worry, anxiety, fear and stress by transmuting negative thought patterns into positive thinking. Carry a piece with you to keep you grounded and protected when traveling or place under your pillow at night to help you ground while falling asleep if you feel anxious.

Crystals for grounding and connecting with the electromagnetic field of the Earth

Petrified Wood: Anchors us to the Earth helping us to ground and relax, release stress and balance our emotional state. This stone helps to strengthen our physical body gradually over time and instills peace within us during difficult times.

Fire Agate: Perfect for those in need of an "in-body experience" from being ungrounded, with low energy & always escaping and living in upper realms. It's deep Earth connection instills the energies of calm, safety and deep security. This stone awakens our lower chakras, reignites our zest for life and the inner fires of our life force, creativity, sexuality and will. Fire Agate supports the creation of making real the Divine blueprint of one's life purpose by helping to fully come into the body.

Moss Agate: With its strong connection to nature, this stabilizing and balancing crystal helps us release deep chronic stress and fears. It supports those who feel ungrounded with a shaky foundation by attuning us to the natural world while strengthening and stabilizing all of our body systems. Moss Agate opens our heart and minds to communicating with Nature spirits and helps us expand the boundaries of our energetic selves to help us take up more space in our physicality as we continue to grow in our healing journey.

Black Obsidian: A powerful grounding stone that strengthens the root chakra's connection with the Earth Star chakra below the feet to help ground our energy even deeper into the core and heart of Mother Earth. It also helps to ground our soul and spiritual energies into our physical reality, making it easier to manifest in our lives.

Mookaite (Mook Jasper): Connects us with Nature by activating our ability to sense both the electromagnetic energy and the life-giving flow of energy of the planet to help us deeply connect, ground and align with the Earth. It's protective and calming energies allows us take steps forward in our lives with a sense of safety and a fresh perspective while remaining grounded in who we truly are as we take those steps. Like with Hematite, you can place one Mookaite on each knee to open and balance the knee chakras for extra grounding and healing.

By incorporating these crystals into your self-care practice, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and alignment, harmonizing body, mind and spirit with the natural rhythms of the world around us. Embrace the transformative power of these beautiful stones and surrender to the profound grounding and re-connection with both ourselves and the Earth.

If you would like further support with grounding or healing for your root chakra, you can book an in-person or remote healing session with me below and I can help you re-ground within yourself and with the Earth.

"Maybe you are searching among the branches for

what only appears in the roots." ~ Rumi

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