Energy Healing

Indulge in transformative and nourishing healing and increased awareness between the mind, body, and emotions with Noelle's own dynamic, unique, intuitive, heart-centered healing.
Noelle has an innate passion for seamlessly integrating all of the energy healing techniques she has learned and practiced throughout her education into her own dynamic, unique, intuitive, heart-centered modality. This intuitive-based modality is inspired and driven by each client's needs as she simply holds a safe space, acts as a clear channel, and gently guides the energy and light. The result is transformative and nourishing healing and increased awareness between the mind, body, and emotions.
During each energy healing, Noelle gently guides the clients into the session with deep breathing and intention setting while inviting them to surrender to the experience and to allow themselves to have an attitude of curiosity and openness. Your job as a client during this time is to just simply receive and BE.
During these sessions Noelle practices hands-on energy healing and will work above the body on layers of the auric field as well. She will typically start at the feet and gradually move her hands up the body along the joints and then over each of the seven chakra center locations to continue the healing and balancing of the energy centers. She will end at the head and then work above the body for several minutes to clear and cleanse the client's energy field of any energy that was released during the session. At the end of the session, she slowly brings them back into the present moment and leaves plenty of time for her clients to ground, integrate and discuss their experience if they wish and any self-care recommendations Noelle has for them.
Most clients report feeling warmth or gentle tingling sensations as the energy moves throughout their body during the session as well as experiencing deep relaxation as many fall into the meditative slow brain wave state ~ this is where the magic and the healing happens!